Happy Birthday Kappa Delta

Happy Birthday Kappa Delta

Happy Founders Day! Yesterday, we celebrated 125 years of Kappa Delta, and 125 years of lifelong relationships we call sisterhood. 

Kappa Delta was founded in  1897 at State Female Normal School in Farmville, Virginia by four women: Lenora Ashmore Blackiston, Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendrick, Julia Tyler Gardiner Wilson, and Sara Turner White. These ladies forged their friendship by creating the sisterhood we know today as Kappa Delta. 

Now, 125 years later, KD has 168 collegiate chapters and over 200 active alumnae chapters all full of confident women. 

We celebrated this momentous occasion at the house in the company of our sisters. Happy Birthday, Kappa Delta! Here’s to 125 years of lifelong friendships, and to many more.


Avery Smith